Betty's Later-Years Art (about 1969 to 1982)

Betty left photos of some of her art which were dated and contained some notations.  Unless noted below by a date after her 1996 death, the picture was taken around the time she made the piece.  In the early to mid 1980's Betty became afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis in her fingers and it soon became to painful for her to continue working with her hands.

This 10" tall "Teasel Tree" was given
to me by mother around 1969 or 1970.
Betty made a number of these in
California after her second marriage
and gave them to family and friends.
2002 Photo at my home.
An ashtray made from a solid block of
aluminum believed to have been made by
Betty and John in a metal casting class
taken shortly after their marriage.
2002 Photo at my home.
Welded metal sculpture made
 around 1969 in Concord, CA.
2001 Photo at Henry's home.


Winter 1974.  Made for
 Dick and Lu Bradley.
Christmas time 1975.
Pin Cushion "thank you" presents.
May 1976.
Pin Cushion "thank you" presents.
November 1977.
Pin Cushion "thank you" presents.
April 1978.
Pin Cushion "thank you" presents.
Summer 1978.
Pin Cushion "thank you" presents.
June 1975 framed needle-point company
logos used by sons Colorado company.
 Ted and Greg received one of each.
2002 Photo of needle-point
 at left taken at my home.
2002 Photo of needle-point
 at far left taken at my home.
A third company logo made for her
sons in the late 1970's.
April 1976 needle-point made in honor
of the first patent her son's company
This 1976 photo of the cabinets under the
kitchen wet-bar suggests that the metal work
may have been done by Betty and/or John.
March 1976 birthday
 Panda for Becky.



November 1976 "Draft Dodger" made as
a Christmas present.  The long, skinny
bean or sand filled fabric object was
intended to sit at the bottom of a door
or window to prevent a draft from coming
in. Betty gave away a number of these.
November 1977 hooked-rugs given
to sons Ted and Greg.



2002 photo of hooked-rug taken
at my home.
February 1979 miscellaneous items.
June 1981 made for
Weavers Guild.
August 1975 weaving given to Henry.
July 10, 1979 Birthday
quilt for Henry.
May 1982 for grandson Charles Gordon Hine
February 1982 quilt for Brad
and Sandy Alderson


2003 Photo of needle-point key chains
and embroidered hand towels.  Betty
made a number of these key chains
for sale by a local charity at a fund
 raising event in the 1970's or 1980's.
2003 photo of Betty's "Screw Home
Cooking" needle-point which for years
hung in the Hermann kitchen.  She
 actually enjoyed cooking.
 (Photo taken at my home.)