Other Photos and Scans (1941-1968)

Thanksgiving 1942.
Christmas 1942.  The first with Kirt.
July 1943 - Kirt, dog Sport, and
the couple's Buick sedan.
New mother holding me - 1945.
1947 with Kirt and
Bill & Mike McKelvy.
1950 in Seattle, WA with sons Ted
 and Greg visiting Kirt's parents.
Summer 1950 near Paradise Lodge
 on Mt. Rainer, Washington
with Ted.
Summer 1950 at Paradise Lodge,
 Mt. Rainer, Washington
 with Ted and Greg.
Summer 1950 in Seattle, WA with
Kirt's parents and his sister's family.
1951 where the Coop front porch
would soon be built.
1953 Christmas time at the Coop with
Ted, Greg, and Scamp (Henry).
1953 Christmas time with
Ted and Greg.
With Kirt around 1955.

December 1955 with sons and the
1955 Buick station wagon that had transported
 the family to Seattle and back the previous
summer.  It was easy to recognize with it's
two-tone dark green bottom and yellow roof
paint scheme.  This vehicle would serve the
family into the early 1960's.
  (Note the ski rack on the roof.)
Spring 1955 visiting old friends
 in St. Louis.

Summer 1955 at Stuart Lake in the
Washington Cascades on an overnight
family horse packing trip.
About 1957 at the Highmount ski
 area in New York where Kirt taught
the family to ski.
Summer 1957 vacationing at the Kennebago
Lake Club in Maine with the family.
1957 on Lake Kennebago, Maine.

The late 1950's on the Coop porch with
friends.  (left to right: Charlee Wilbur,
Kirt, Dick Wilbur (well known poet),
Betty, Lawrence Wilbur (Dick's father
and a noted portrait painter.)
1958 at the Bromley ski area in Vermont on
a family  ski weekend.

1958 at Lake Kennebago.
Summer 1959 family vacation at
Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts.
Martha's Vineyard, summer
1959 with Ted.
1959 at a ski lodge near Mt. Snow,
Vermont with friends.
Early 1960.  The charter sailboat
Dragon Lady in the Caribbean.
1960 aboard the Dragon Lady with friends.
Kirt, Betty, and friends chartered this sailboat
for a  week or two that winter.
January or February 1960 dinner aboard
the Dragon Lady.

Spring 1960 in Coop living room.

Spring 1960 with Budget and Roué.  Betty is
wearing her trademark Scottish kilt.  She
often wore kilts during this period even though
it wasn't a fashion trend at the time.
1960 with friends Nancy Marvel and
Ellie Reese.  Hanging on the wall are
small black and white reproductions
of oil portraits painted by neighbor
Lawrence Wilbur in 1959 of Betty's
3 sons.  The original paintings hung
in the living room of Kirt's mother
in Seattle till she passed away in
1967 at which time they were
given to Betty.
1961 at the then-famous Metropol
club in Manhattan.  Betty, Kirt
and son Ted Hine along with Charlee,
Dick and daughter Ellen Wilbur
joined famous playwright Lillian
Hellman (second from left) as the
 front-row guests of renowned jazz
 musician Lionel Hampton for a
special performance of his band.
1965 with sister Harriet on her
left at the New York Worlds Fair performance
of son Ted's Rock & Roll band.  Betty visited
New York from St. Louis to see the
 performance and to visit east coast friends.
Her sister, Harriet Nalley, still lived
in Manhattan.

With niece Lex Nalley at the
 New York Worlds Fair in 1965.
1965 at home in St. Louis.

1967 in St. Louis with childhood and
high school friend Ahden