About This Hulburd Family History

By Edward Kirtland Hine, Jr. ("Ted") - October 2020


I caught the genealogy bug and started seriously researching my ancestors around the year 2000.  A family tree chart going back only a few generations was given to me by brother Henry as a present and I got to wondering about older generations of my ancestors.   For many years my mother would sometimes mention that she had boxes full of "stuff" regarding her parents and other ancestors that she would someday organize which of course she never got around to.  After her death the boxes of unorganized stuff ended up stored in brother Henry's basement in Tennessee where they were forgotten about.  After I "caught the bug" I brought the boxes back to my Colorado home after visiting my brother for Christmas and discovered a treasure trove of photos, documents, and other stuff about my grandparents and great grandparents.  This provided the starting point for my research and much of what my mother kept is documented and displayed here.

Initially I started documenting what I learned in crude web pages around 2002.  I distributed my early work to close relatives via computer CDs and then DVDs so they could view my research on their computers.  Over the years the cost and availability of personal web sites has dropped significantly and it's now possible to make my work accessible on the internet for display on many devices while at the same time making it available to a wider audience of my distant relatives.

My thanks go out to the numerous distant (and not so distant) cousins that have provided information regarding our common ancestors as I conducted my research.

Historical Overview Observations

Some of my mother's Hulburd ancestors have been in America for a number of centuries including the Sewards and Slaybacks with Col John Seward and Solomon David Slayback, Sr. having served in the American Revolution.  Much to my disappointment several branches of the family led to dead ends and I couldn't make definitive connections to the surnames Hulburd, Shipley, and Varner very far back.  Perhaps additional information will become available in the future which will help connect then.

Viewing Devices and Web Browsers

This web site was designed to be viewed primarily on a desktop or laptop computer.  Web pages will likely display adequately on tablets and cell phones but might cause problems on these devices when downloading and/or displaying some of the larger clickable file links due to limited device memory and/or speed capabilities.

Web browsers have tended to be somewhat quirky over the years (and continue to be) with different browsers displaying the same HTML formatting code slightly differently.  This can cause my intended formatting to look different than what I had in mind.   As I'm writing this the Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge browsers on my PC are displaying things pretty well and as intended.  Other browser may, however, not work as well.

Photo Notes

Clicking on most photos will display a larger version.  In some cases clicking on the larger version will display an even larger one.  Most larger photos will immediately display on a web page but some may download to your device and then require opening using other software.

About Imbedded Files (PDF Documents, Audio, Video)

Links to imbedded files will be handled differently depending on your computer/device operating system combined with the web browser you are using.   In some cases clicking on the link will directly open and display the file but in others the file may be downloaded to your device requiring you to find it in your download folder and select which software app you'd like to open it with.

How To Contact Me

Email:    ted@tedhine.com